Monday, January 23, 2006

Gainful Employment...

James has a job!! He starts work today at the GameStop here in town. boy is growing up.

I can't wait until he gets his first paycheck and sees what's left for him after all the deductions!


Anonymous said...

Good for James...and for you and Randy! He'll do great. Sounds like it's tailor made for him!!! Give him my congratulations...

ajreed said...

Aww. Your boy is growing up and your baby girl is away. I love you Mom!!It looks Rachel is for sure going to come to Alabama for Easter!! YAY!!!

Kim said...

Wait, James can't have a job just yet. Surely, he can't be old enough. Oh wait, it has been ten years since joining the family so I guess he isn't 6 years old anymore. How time flys. I'm enjoying the blog. What a great way to stay connected with family.
